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- Canadian Lager: A golden coloured Lager with a clean and crisp taste.
- Pilsner: A golden medium bodied brew with a crisp honey finish.
- Octoberfest: A well balanced malty flavour with a deep gold colour.
- European: A well hopped pale/yellowish colour with a good refreshing dry finish.
- Belgian Dark: A dark brown colour with traditional rich roasted malt flavour and a pleasant aroma.
- Aussie Amber: An amber coloured brew which is well hopped giving it a smooth distinct and flavourful finish.
- Old Bavarian: An amber coloured full bodied brew with a hint of honey.
- Special Dry: A crisp and light beer with a copper colour and very little after taste.
- Old Country: A well hopped and hearty, deep colour with a strong malt flavour.
- Richard’s Red: A dark brown traditionally rich roasted malt flavour with a pleasant aroma.
- Belgium Wheat (Wit): A summer beer style with a delicacy, complexity and depth of fruity flavours.
- Irish Oatmeal Stout: A rich black body with roasted chocolate, caramel, oatmeal and malt blended flavour and 2+ fingers of thick mocha-colored “creamy” head.
- Special Dark: Munich Larger. A soft, elegant larger, with a mildly vanilla, nutty sweet palate and a dry, rounded finish.
- Vienna Larger: A rich intense and deep malty sweet flavour with gentle notes of honey and nuts.